teardrop tattoo

Teardrop Tattoo Under Eye Meaning: A Concise Explanation

The teardrop tattoo, a simple yet powerfully symbolic design, has a complex and layered history rooted in prison culture, personal experiences, and various interpretations. While it is most widely recognized as a prison tattoo, the teardrop has found its way into mainstream fashion and media, both contributing to and perpetuating misconceptions and controversy around its …

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close up of someone getting a tattoo

3 Tattoo Meanings: Unraveling the Symbolism and Stories Behind the Ink

Tattoos have been a popular form of self-expression for centuries, with people choosing a wide variety of designs and meanings to represent their personal stories and beliefs. One such intriguing concept in the tattoo world revolves around the number three. This number carries significant symbolism across different cultures and has been used in various tattoo …

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